Sony don’t want to take my money :(
It’s disappointing that it seems sony’s PlayStation 3 store can’t handle the demand of this weeks store updates. Here I am trying to buy the MW2 Stimulus package and being presented with an unhelpful “An error has occurred (80023103)”.
I, maybe, almost grabbed a free code thanks to GameTrailers on twitter/Facebook. The codes seem to have gone in under 5 seconds, I even plugged in a keyboard, never mind.
Lets hope this problem gets sorted soon, I really want to spend money on things that seem a little over-priced (old packs were £7.99, new is £10.99), and knowing my luck will decide I don’t want to use.
Update: After closing on 3 hours of trying, its downloading, although there are 7 versions to choose from, each different depending on your Disc ID.