Anime, Games and TV Stuff

Since my holiday, time has just disappeared. So much to do, what appears to be no time. Last weekend I attended Japan Matsuri in London, Japan away from Japan, somehow that is already a week ago.
So… anyway, lots in the world of Anime, Games & TV.
Tokyo Game Show 2010. I’ve not really had any time to watch all of the footage, but, things of note;
- Devil May Cry
- Kinect Sports
- Last Guardian
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
visually more impressive than the first and I’m assuming the story continues where the first left off - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I really hope that Trailer is the game engine rendering live, but I highly doubt it
Several upcoming blu-ray releases, a notable non-anime is a double box Death Note: Live action. Blu-ray Anime include;
- Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood – Volume 2
- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
- Eden of the East
- Eureka Seven movie
- Rin (US only)
- D Gray-Man (US only)
thankfully my import PS3 has arrived for a couple of those.
- K-On ended
- Highschool of the dead ended (although seems open for a 2nd)
- Mitsudomoe ending (2nd season suggested to start January 2011) currently on Crunchyroll
American TV picks up again for me for the next couple of months as well, so I feel its going to be busy.
There is also MUCH more that I am interested in from each of the above, but there are not enough hours in the day.