Call of Duty – Black Ops
The game, Call of Duty – Black Ops, arrived today (release day), after me ordering it with just one day to go…I forgot until pretty late. Demand can’t have been that high or just massive overstock, I don’t know. However, I can’t really say if I am impressed or not. It’s just another Call of Duty with the obligatory extras that keep the game “fresh”.
I played through a few levels of the single player campaign. The was an “entertaining” glitch on the first level at about the half-way point which caused two teammates to appear on a roof. As a result……stuck. Woohoo. Restart and, at least this time, it was fine but, after seeing that, my attention was waning.
After a couple of levels, I decided to call that quits and go to play zombies. Zombie Nazis from World at War are back and a lot of fun.
Maybe more of the classic online modes will be a bit more entertaining, only time will tell. I just hope it’s engaging enough the game doesn’t get left gathering dust. Regardless of how much it’s played, you can bet on being sucked in and doing it all again on the next release.
COD MW2 – Resurgence Pack – Out Now
Another map pack is now out. Again on the slightly pricey side, but its not that bad.
5 additional maps. 3 new, 2 from Call of Duty 4;
New maps – Carnival, Fuel & Trailer Park
Updated maps – Vacant & Strike
The PS3 download for all 7 different versions (depending on the number of the box spine) comes in at a fairly reasonable 346mb. Thankfully I have my new 2.5″ drive to put into my PS3 as soon as I can be bothered to backup my current data.
Not much to say on these yet as I haven’t played them first hand, only seen videos, might post an update in the near future if I can get some playing time in.

Metal Gear Solid: Rising
I can’t believe that I missed this. It’s also quite an achievement for this to even be possible at the moment, billions of possible actions. This is on a completely different level to rag-doll physics, which was awesome when I first saw that.
Heres the trailer. Watch the whole thing, but specfically 1:45 – end… and I HIGHLY recommended watching @ 720p.
I have a feeling it will not quite live up to my expectations and I’m expecting the Xbox version to be somewhat crippled in comparison but…amazing.

E3 – Filled with wow…
This years E3 really does seem to be the best to date. Lots of stuff all round, much more than I am even going to mention in this post. These are just the things that are my personal favourites.
- 3D gaming with a demo of the upcoming exclusive, Killzone 3, expected February 2011.
- Move (even though I feel it is a bit gimmicky)
- LittleBigPlanet 2
- PlayStation Plus
- Portal 2, properly done for the PS3 & the trailer looks to have much more physics details
- Kinect – previously Natal. Lots on this as well, including some titles.
- Gears of War 3
- 360 Slim, built-in wifi & disc-scratching technology
- 3DS – 3D gaming without glasses
- The return of many classic nintendo characters
A wide range of games (non console exclusive) were also there
- Call of Duty: Black Ops
- Mortal Kombat
- Sonic
- Dead Space 2
- F.E.A.R 3
- Medal of Honor
- Quantum Theory
- Crysis 2
- Silent Hill 8
I think, in time, I might add a bit more on some of these individually along with screenshots etc.
Bright Falls, the beginning of Alan Wake
Recently I came across live-action movies, Bright Falls, a prequel to the upcoming Xbox 360 game, Alan Wake. The movies are taking place over what seem to be 6 individual episodes. Airing started at the end of April and new episodes are released weekly, with the final episodes coinciding with the release of the game mid-May.
Episode 1 is available on Youtube.
It’s a shame this is a 360 exclusive , however as it is only single-player I am not going to be missing out on anything through not having a Gold Live Subscription.