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Posts tagged ‘flock’


RockMelt & Flock – Let’s become social (on the net)

I have been using Flock on an off for a while now, more since they switched from Mozilla to Chromium & today I got my early access to RockMelt.

The edges in RockMelt are fantastic.  Unobtrusive and you can turn them off, although the browser does look ugly when they are off.  On the left you have friends, and on the right you have your networks & message/notification count.  The Flock sidebar on the other hand provides a very quick overview of what happening, RockMelt does require a mouse for that and can’t show it all at once.

The Groups page of Flock is another thing I find useful, quickly see the most recent thing posted by all of your friends, granted this is a bit much for some people and their hundreds of friends & thousands of followings, there are categories though.

At the moment, I would say it’s a pretty fair fight between the two browsers both including features, some listed below, that I like and both missing some.  I’ll try and update them as I decide something is missing, or its added to one of them.

FeatureRockmeltFlock (Chromium)
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