LOVEFiLM – Now on the PS3
Today is the release of LOVEFiLM on the PS3. Pretty good news, this and mubi gives quite a wide range of media – as well as the PS3 Video store for anything I decide to purchase (although I prefer a disc).
Hit by a block at the registration step, when being told my password is too long. Was accepted with the normal browser signup though, so not all bad.
First time trying to play a movie the app just crashed, second time it was fine.
The searching is a little annoying as it updates the titles every time I select a letter. This causes the app to freeze slightly. Also seems to be missing a lot of titles in the streaming catalogue but that will change over time.
Something else, nothing streamed in HD. I don’t know if this is permanent, temporary, an account option, only the movies I selected, estimated that my internet isn’t fast enough? I’ll look into that later. The streaming of what’s there does start almost instantly and does include pause & seeking functions, however, not via the blu-ray remote controls standard buttons. This is something I would expect to change in an update in the fairly near future.
£9.99 is a pretty good price assuming I continue to make use of it. Luckily my Unlimited internet (subject to fair use) actually seems to be unlimited, will know over time.

Another month – another post
I really had intended on getting out more than 1 post per month, but clearly I can’t manage that.
Left 4 Dead 2 now native on OS X. Finally, 5 months after the initial Steam OS X release we get Left 4 Dead 2 along with some new maps…sorry campaigns. I actually thought I would have been more excited, but I’ve only managed 1 1/2 hours … if that.
The Mac Steam store really hasn’t been that active for the previous couple of months either – oh well.
I’m sure there were several PSN+ releases I actually wanted but game-wise my PS3’s have been a little redundant.
That pretty much covers everything for the last month of my life…depressing huh. Actually it’s not quite check my other blog, a few boring, techie things this month.
The thumbnail image is unrelated, just a snap from my holiday.
PS3 3.41 Update
Nothing greatly interesting here. I heard there was a bug in this release when replacing HDD’s when using this version, which has since been updated but no version number increase.
The two changes I can see are;
- the beginnings of “You may like” which is going to suggest ways you can spend more money, based on the money you have spent so far.
- Incremental firmware updates, so you don’t need to download the full thing (about 160mb for 3.41) every time. I imagine this will only apply for some updates, an update for 4.0 would be the full thing…but who am I to say.

PlayStation Plus
Announced at E3, PlayStation Plus is a new subscription service to the PlayStation Network.
At release, I subscribed a year, costing me £39.99, the same as an Xbox Live Gold subscription for the year (from Microsoft directly). So, what did this get me (me personally, which I now own and have downloaded, not everything it offered)?
Free Games (usual price in brackets)
- Little Big Planet (£19.99?)
- WipEout HD – PS3 (£13.99)
- Destruction Derby – PS one (£3.99)
- Fieldrunners – minis (£3.99)
- Age of Zombies – minis (£3.99)
Game Packs
- Killzone 2 Game pack (£4.79)
Other stuff
- An orange icon next to my name
What would I have purchased even without the subscription?, well just WipEout HD. I would not have got the minis or PS one content att all, if I didn’t own a PSP though. I really don’t like looking at those graphics, stretched to 1080p on my 42″ television.
So far there have been no additions to this since release, however I do recall reading somewhere, this would not be a weekly thing like the rest of the games on the PlayStation store, but this would be a monthly update. Looking at what I’ve got so far it a bit meh.
Although the collection has been slim so far, I am still on the fence as to whether or not there will be a renewal, obviously being 1 year away things are likely to change.
Under the Account Management -> Transaction Management -> Services List, it seems to suggest that both WipEout and Little Big Planet expire at the end of the year, when my PS+ sub expires..really hope this is not the case.
What else?
Automatic updates. I find it strange this is a paid feature, but that’s not the point here. I downloaded WipEout HD and upon opening it told me there was an update. Instead of doing it then I decided to leave the update and turn off the console. 2 days later I come back and it asked me to download this update. I would have thought, during this 48 hour period, the auto-update might have done something.

E3 – Filled with wow…
This years E3 really does seem to be the best to date. Lots of stuff all round, much more than I am even going to mention in this post. These are just the things that are my personal favourites.
- 3D gaming with a demo of the upcoming exclusive, Killzone 3, expected February 2011.
- Move (even though I feel it is a bit gimmicky)
- LittleBigPlanet 2
- PlayStation Plus
- Portal 2, properly done for the PS3 & the trailer looks to have much more physics details
- Kinect – previously Natal. Lots on this as well, including some titles.
- Gears of War 3
- 360 Slim, built-in wifi & disc-scratching technology
- 3DS – 3D gaming without glasses
- The return of many classic nintendo characters
A wide range of games (non console exclusive) were also there
- Call of Duty: Black Ops
- Mortal Kombat
- Sonic
- Dead Space 2
- F.E.A.R 3
- Medal of Honor
- Quantum Theory
- Crysis 2
- Silent Hill 8
I think, in time, I might add a bit more on some of these individually along with screenshots etc.

Sony don’t want to take my money :(
It’s disappointing that it seems sony’s PlayStation 3 store can’t handle the demand of this weeks store updates. Here I am trying to buy the MW2 Stimulus package and being presented with an unhelpful “An error has occurred (80023103)”.
I, maybe, almost grabbed a free code thanks to GameTrailers on twitter/Facebook. The codes seem to have gone in under 5 seconds, I even plugged in a keyboard, never mind.
Lets hope this problem gets sorted soon, I really want to spend money on things that seem a little over-priced (old packs were £7.99, new is £10.99), and knowing my luck will decide I don’t want to use.
Update: After closing on 3 hours of trying, its downloading, although there are 7 versions to choose from, each different depending on your Disc ID.