RockMelt & Flock – Let’s become social (on the net)
I have been using Flock on an off for a while now, more since they switched from Mozilla to Chromium & today I got my early access to RockMelt.
The edges in RockMelt are fantastic. Unobtrusive and you can turn them off, although the browser does look ugly when they are off. On the left you have friends, and on the right you have your networks & message/notification count. The Flock sidebar on the other hand provides a very quick overview of what happening, RockMelt does require a mouse for that and can’t show it all at once.
The Groups page of Flock is another thing I find useful, quickly see the most recent thing posted by all of your friends, granted this is a bit much for some people and their hundreds of friends & thousands of followings, there are categories though.
At the moment, I would say it’s a pretty fair fight between the two browsers both including features, some listed below, that I like and both missing some. I’ll try and update them as I decide something is missing, or its added to one of them.
Feature | Rockmelt | Flock (Chromium) |
Facebook Chat | ![]() | ![]() |
Growl Support | ![]() | ![]() |
Syncing Bookmarks between computers | ![]() | ![]() |
Post to multiple networks | ![]() | ![]() |
Share current page | ![]() | ![]() |
View post/tweet on original site | ![]() | ![]() |
Delicious Bookmarks | ![]() | ![]() |
Google Reader | ![]() | ![]() |

LOVEFiLM – Now on the PS3
Today is the release of LOVEFiLM on the PS3. Pretty good news, this and mubi gives quite a wide range of media – as well as the PS3 Video store for anything I decide to purchase (although I prefer a disc).
Hit by a block at the registration step, when being told my password is too long. Was accepted with the normal browser signup though, so not all bad.
First time trying to play a movie the app just crashed, second time it was fine.
The searching is a little annoying as it updates the titles every time I select a letter. This causes the app to freeze slightly. Also seems to be missing a lot of titles in the streaming catalogue but that will change over time.
Something else, nothing streamed in HD. I don’t know if this is permanent, temporary, an account option, only the movies I selected, estimated that my internet isn’t fast enough? I’ll look into that later. The streaming of what’s there does start almost instantly and does include pause & seeking functions, however, not via the blu-ray remote controls standard buttons. This is something I would expect to change in an update in the fairly near future.
£9.99 is a pretty good price assuming I continue to make use of it. Luckily my Unlimited internet (subject to fair use) actually seems to be unlimited, will know over time.

Call of Duty – Black Ops
The game, Call of Duty – Black Ops, arrived today (release day), after me ordering it with just one day to go…I forgot until pretty late. Demand can’t have been that high or just massive overstock, I don’t know. However, I can’t really say if I am impressed or not. It’s just another Call of Duty with the obligatory extras that keep the game “fresh”.
I played through a few levels of the single player campaign. The was an “entertaining” glitch on the first level at about the half-way point which caused two teammates to appear on a roof. As a result……stuck. Woohoo. Restart and, at least this time, it was fine but, after seeing that, my attention was waning.
After a couple of levels, I decided to call that quits and go to play zombies. Zombie Nazis from World at War are back and a lot of fun.
Maybe more of the classic online modes will be a bit more entertaining, only time will tell. I just hope it’s engaging enough the game doesn’t get left gathering dust. Regardless of how much it’s played, you can bet on being sucked in and doing it all again on the next release.

Another month – another post
I really had intended on getting out more than 1 post per month, but clearly I can’t manage that.
Left 4 Dead 2 now native on OS X. Finally, 5 months after the initial Steam OS X release we get Left 4 Dead 2 along with some new maps…sorry campaigns. I actually thought I would have been more excited, but I’ve only managed 1 1/2 hours … if that.
The Mac Steam store really hasn’t been that active for the previous couple of months either – oh well.
I’m sure there were several PSN+ releases I actually wanted but game-wise my PS3’s have been a little redundant.
That pretty much covers everything for the last month of my life…depressing huh. Actually it’s not quite check my other blog, a few boring, techie things this month.
The thumbnail image is unrelated, just a snap from my holiday.

Anime, Games and TV Stuff
Since my holiday, time has just disappeared. So much to do, what appears to be no time. Last weekend I attended Japan Matsuri in London, Japan away from Japan, somehow that is already a week ago.
So… anyway, lots in the world of Anime, Games & TV.
Tokyo Game Show 2010. I’ve not really had any time to watch all of the footage, but, things of note;
- Devil May Cry
- Kinect Sports
- Last Guardian
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
visually more impressive than the first and I’m assuming the story continues where the first left off - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I really hope that Trailer is the game engine rendering live, but I highly doubt it
Several upcoming blu-ray releases, a notable non-anime is a double box Death Note: Live action. Blu-ray Anime include;
- Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood – Volume 2
- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
- Eden of the East
- Eureka Seven movie
- Rin (US only)
- D Gray-Man (US only)
thankfully my import PS3 has arrived for a couple of those.
- K-On ended
- Highschool of the dead ended (although seems open for a 2nd)
- Mitsudomoe ending (2nd season suggested to start January 2011) currently on Crunchyroll
American TV picks up again for me for the next couple of months as well, so I feel its going to be busy.
There is also MUCH more that I am interested in from each of the above, but there are not enough hours in the day.

Back from my holiday
Well, I didn’t really get a chance to post anything while I was away. I managed a total of 1 photo upload on facebook and deleting a few e-mails.
Awesome trip though, I highly recommend people go to Japan. Some places I visited;
- Shinjuku – Kabukichō (Hotel was there)
- Harajuku. On Sundays there are meant to be lots of cosplayers, however when I went there were only a couple. Lots of Elvis though.
- Akihabara – the electric town
- Shibuya. The site of Hachikō & the World’s largest scramble crossing.
- Tokyo Tower
Off on my holiday
Well, in 2 days I am off on holiday to Japan, yay. So, that means for a while there will probably be no “normal” posts, instead this site will be Japan heavy, along with holiday snaps and details of my holiday. I’m sure it will be just as interesting.

Call of Duty: Black Ops – Multiplayer teaser
Today, I saw a new teaser trailer for the next Call of Duty game, Black Ops.
Similar gameplay to the previous games of course, along with some new additions. I saw a crossbow with exploding darts as well as what seemed to be an exploding remote controlled car. There also seemed to be some sort of knife..that was detachable??
Seems like the footage was all from the Xbox, lets hope there is an equally good PS3 version.
Cant wait.
PS3 3.41 Update
Nothing greatly interesting here. I heard there was a bug in this release when replacing HDD’s when using this version, which has since been updated but no version number increase.
The two changes I can see are;
- the beginnings of “You may like” which is going to suggest ways you can spend more money, based on the money you have spent so far.
- Incremental firmware updates, so you don’t need to download the full thing (about 160mb for 3.41) every time. I imagine this will only apply for some updates, an update for 4.0 would be the full thing…but who am I to say.
It has been a while
Well, its been quite some time since my last post, so I thought I would at least add something.
Due to my house move, I have used most of my spare time packing. After moving in I was without Internet and was forced to use my spare time for unpacking….great.
Either way, since I’ve been browsing today, I see there has been a PS3 update, PlayStation Plus updates announced for August & September, several PS3 store updates, uTorrent 1.0.something for the Mac, several anime episodes I have not yet seen, broadband usage now shown by my ISP (yay I get to see what I really use), a steam client update which at a glance seems to fix an obvious “bug” and I know there is more, but not for now. I’ll try and post stuff on the useful bits of the web over the last couple of weeks, just to catch up, if I think its interesting.